Monday, April 21, 2008

I'm still trying!

Well, I'm not doing too great at keeping this blog up to date, but I'm trying. The thing is that I just don't think that anything very exciting has happened lately. The boys are still in school, playing soccer and going to scouts. Issac is still working and going to school, and I am still taking care of a very energetic 3 year old and 9 month old.
Issac did go to Iowa for a week last month for some Reserve training, so my mom agreed to come out and help me. I have no idea how I would have survived the week without her. I still can't believe how I did it for two years without him.
This past weekend, Issac's parents and all but one of his brothers and sisters were here for his niece's baptism. It was fun to see everyone and celebrate with his family. Some of them we hadn't seen for over five years.
Besides that, not much is going on. Very ready for summer though. I can't believe that we only have one month left of school. CRAZY!



That's neat that you all got to have a little reunion! How sweet of your mom to come and help with the kiddo's! I don't know how you did it when Isaac was gone either, that would be so hard! You are such a good mommy!

Amanda said...

Post more pictures of your cute children... that's what I do when there is really nothing blog worthy to write.

That's great that your mom got to come and help. I bet she loves to spend time with your kids.


I'm SSSOOO glad I got to see you guys this past weekend! You have such beautiful kiddies! Hope to see you soon!