Sunday, February 8, 2009

Potty Training!

Ok, I am at a complete loss now. Rhett, who will be 4 years old on the 24th of Feb. still has no desire to master the whole potty training thing. He got peeing down no problem. He hasn't even had an accident at night. But getting him to do his business in the toilet instead of his underwear is just not happening. McKenna, who is almost 19 months old, wants to potty train more than anything. She throws a complete fit when she is forced to put a diaper on. That doesn't last long though, because she has figured out how to get out of everything and wants to be naked all day. She will go in and sit on her little potty and has even peed in it a coupld of times. Is it crazy that she might actually be fully trained before Rhett is? I know that everyone says that boys are harder than girls, but this just seems silly. McKenna has not yet grown out of her little stage of taking her diaper off, so we have resorted to taping it on her. I feel silly doing it, until I remember just how many times I have found poop on my carpet or other fun places. :0) Oh the joys of motherhood!


Amanda said...

Good luck. Potty training is not fun. I am so glad I never have to do it again!


Oh, I'm right there with you! Joys of motherhood...
The thing that worked on Jared was when he pooed his underwear I made him sit by the toilet and clean the poop out, then he had nothing to wear until the undies got washed in the washer then dried in the dryer. After doing that twice he had no problem! Might work on Rhett... won't work on my Connor though! That kid likes to not wear anything so it's no punishment :-)

Stacey said...

I feel your pain. When I ask Charlotte if she she wants to go potty, I get a very defiant response, "NO! I don't want to go pee-pee in the potty!" I'm not expecting anything to happen before her 3rd birthday...