Thursday, August 27, 2009

First day of school.

It's that time of year again. There is a hilarious commercial on TV right now that made me stop and do a double take. I wasn't paying much attention, but the TV was on in the background so I could hear it. They were playing a Christmas song. Now, I've seen the Christmas stuff up in the stores already, but I couldn't believe that they were showing the commercials already. I looked up as they sang, "It's the most wonderful time, of the year!" To my surprise, they were showing a dad, dancing around the back to school isle, filling his shopping cart with pencils and paper, while the two children in front of him stood with arms crossed, and faces drawn. It was pretty funny!

I can't believe with each passing year, just how old and big my kids keep getting. Wesley has started 6Th grade.

Damon is now in the 5Th grade. They are both still going to North Davis Preparatory Academy and we love it! The school has an emphasis on Spanish, so they each have an English speaking teacher, and one from Spain that teaches their subjects mostly in Spanish. It is such an amazing program and we are very grateful to be a part of it.


Stacey said...

My mom was just telling me about that same commercial just a few minutes ago! Your boys are so big and so cute! So that little zap of emotion sending them off to school doesn't go away, even in the 6th grade?

laura kate said...

It was so good to see your cute family last night. Everyone looks great. I'm glad that we could catch up.

Amanda said...

How do you feel about arranged marriages!?

Their school sounds really cool. Unfortunately the Middle School Hannah attends leaves a lot to be desired. Our only other option would require a 10 hour day (the bus ride being 3 hours total).