Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

The kids all had a blast this year! All my "boys" went as the Star Wars evil empire, and my sweet little McKenna, a pink poodle! :) The whether was perfect, so with Halloween being on a Friday night this year, we were out longer than usual. Rhett really got into it this year, walking right up to everyone's door and saying loud and clear, "trick or treat" and then held his bag wide open for the loot! McKenna was happy to sit in her stroller and just watch all the crazy creatures that we passed by and drink her milk. Wesley and Damon have hit the age where it is not cool to go out with your parents, so they both took off for the evening with their friends. Everyone ended up back at home by 9:00 and with way too much candy as always. Good thing I can't eat any of this year with my diet. Or is it?????? :(

1 comment:


CUTE! I love the costumes! I love how your boys all go together- great idea! Did you dress up Paige? It was really fun having it on Friday... we stayed up way too late too :-)