Monday, October 20, 2008

HCG Update!

OK, just a quick little update to my diet progress. So far, I have lost 20 lbs and more than 4 inches from my stomach, 2 inches from my hips, and at least an inch from each thigh and arm. This past week has been really hard, but I'm fighting my way through. I only have two more weeks of the shots and then three weeks of the detox diet. I can't wait to eat normal again! But I can't wait to be smaller and lighter either! :)



Wow- good for you Paige! No diet is easy- but especially the one you're doing! You're so close- that's so exciting! Congrats!

Amanda said...

Are you giving yourself the shots? I looked into this diet but there is no one close to me that practices it. I am also not sure if I could survive on such a small amount of calories...I'd be such a grump!